Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day From Legacy

The most important part of Valentines Day is LOVE.  You LOVE with your HEART.  Make your HEART as strong as it can be and get in here and exercise it.  The more you exercise the more physically strong it gets......the more you LOVE the more emotionally strong it gets.  LOVE yourself enough to take the time to make it strong and healthy.

Dating Tip:  Dating and spending time with your significant other is a wonderful thing.  My husband and I like to go on gym dates!  We take a couple nights a week and spend an hour together at the gym.  It definitely makes working out a bit easier and something I look forward to!

Id LOVE to see you in here!
Amanda Benson

"Exercise is good for the heart because as you exercise and the heart pumps more, it builds the muscles of the heart, making it healthier.  Exercise decreases inflammation, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis that cause most cases of heart dsease."  (www.chacha.com)          

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